Exhibition Opportunities

Exhibition Opportunities

Alegre Retreat

Please find below a list of exhibition opportunities. Patricia Gould has compiled this list for us. If your organization or gallery has a call for entries please let us know so that we can add it to our list.
General Calls for Entry:

www.fiberarts.com & Fiber arts Magazine
www.artistsnetwork.com/artistsmagazine/ The Artists’s Magazine
www.saqa.com/calendar/  Studio Art Quilt Associates

Specific Venues/Shows:

Morro Bay Art Association, http://www.morrobayartassociation.org/
Ironstone Vineyards, http://www.ironstonevineyards.com/
Art Center @ Estes Park, http://www.artcenterofestes.com/
Eleanor Bliss Center for the Arts, http://www.steamboatspringsarts.com/
Moreno Valley Arts Council – ArtsFest, http://www.morenovalleyarts.org/
Maryland Federation of Art, http://www.mdfedart.org/
Illuminations, Mass. General Hospital Cancer Center, http://www.massgeneral.org/cancer/Illuminations/
Art Quilt Show, Chandler Center for the Arts, http://www.chandlercenter.org/home.html
The Road to California, http://www.road2ca.com/
Quilts, Inc., http://www.quilts.com/home/index.php
Mancuso Quilt Festivals, http://quiltfest.com/
Associated Artists of Winston-Salem, http://www.associatedartists.org/
Form not Function @ the Carnegie Center, New Albany IN, http://www.carnegiecenter.org/exhibits.html
ArtSpace Gallery, Raleigh NC, http://www.artspacenc.org

Public Art:

www.westaf.org/annotatedarts.php   – click on State & Regions for links to many agencies
www.4culture.org/publicart   mainly calls in the Northwest but others are listed

Public Art – state/cities/counties/regions:

www.cabq.gov/publicart  City of Albuquerque, NM
www.nmarts.org   State of New Mexico
www.utahpublicart.org  State of Utah
www.nyc.gov/html/artcom/html/home/home.shtml  City of New York, NY
www.phila.gov/publicart  City of Philadelphia, PA
www.lvartscommission.com/  City of Las Vegas, NV
www.hillsboroughcounty.org/publicart/  Hllsborough County, FL
www.charmeck.org/Departments/CATS/Art+in+Transit/home.htm  Charlotte Area Transit System, Charlotte, NC
www.egov.cityofchicago.org  City of Chicago, IL – click on city departments, then Cultural Affairs
www.clevelandpublicart.org  City of Cleveland, OH
www.urbanartsinstitute.org  City of Boston, MA
www.sandiego.gov/arts-culture/publicart.shtml  City of San Diego, CA
www.artspca.org  City of Long Beach, CA
www.lacountyarts.org  County of Los Angeles, CA
www.co.miami-dade.fl.us/publicart  City/County of Miami-Dade, FL
www.palm-desert.org/arts-culture/public-art  City of Palm Desert, CA
www.pinellasarts.org  Pinellas County, FL
www.sahearts.com   City of San Antonio, TX
www.fresnoartscouncil.org  City of Fresno, CA
www.sparcmurals.org  Social & Public Art Resource Center, Los Angeles, CA